5th chakra art symbols

5th chakra art meaning

Purification is a visual meditation on truth, communication, and openness, exploring the voice as a vehicle for truth and nourishment. It is the 5th chakra painting of a seven-piece series that explores various aspects of human existence through the chakras and other mythological symbols. The legs and hands belong to my husband, who is a seeker and speaker of truth and the main inspiration for this painting. 

throat chakra meaning

Throat chakra meaning

In yogic traditions, the fifth chakra, or energy center located at the throat is called vishudda, which means purification. It is associated with creative expression, communication, the color blue, purity, and harmony. The element associated with this chakra is ether, which is the essence of air, earth, fire, and water. The candle held out like an offering in the center of the blue poppy represents the purifying aspect of the fire element. The clouds represent water, the swallow represents air, and the flower represents earth. Each element, like the voice, has creative and destructive aspects that can be refined and purified through its expression.

Animal symbols

5th chakra symbol art

The swallow is known for its lovely song and is a sign of good luck. According to a Native American legend, the Barn Swallow got its forked tail because it stole fire from the gods to bring to people. An angry god threw a firebrand at the swallow, burning away its middle tail feathers.

throat chakra symbol art

As masters of metamorphosis, moths are significant symbols of transformation and rebirth. With a very short lifespan, they remind us of the fleeting nature of life and how we can use our voices to transform ourselves and our surroundings in what little time we have. 


We swallowed the world
and sang it back out
turned poison to nectar
inside of our mouths

we took in the meadows
and monsters and time
and transformed them all
into something sublime

We lit flameless fires
grew petals and wings
and music to translate
the wild, wordless things

We offered our truth
and stood in the storm
let the rain wash us clean
let the new creature form

Purchase a print of Purification at The Copper Wolf Art Gallery